Friday, August 17, 2012

Post 8 of 30.

(I will get through these eventually)

Five passions I have!

1. Painting. It is one of the only things that I have a slight natural knack for. Of course, I need practice because nothing comes perfect without practice, but I love to paint. Love it.

2. The piano. I absolutely love playing the piano. I love the way the keys feel under my fingers and how I can just relax and play.

3. Visiting the temple. Maybe a sort of cliche answer, but there is something about the temple that pulls me and I almost feel sometimes that every moment spent outside of the temple is a moment wasted. There is so much work to be done and so much spirituality to be felt that sometimes I don't want to leave when a session is over.

4. My family. My son, my husband, my sisters, parents, brother. I love to be with my family. I love to hear how they are, talk to them, share things with them.

5. Photography. I really love to take pictures of scenery, nature, statues, buildings. I like to snap pictures of special moments in my life so when I have to leave a beautiful place behind, or a moment that left me in awe, I can take a piece of it with me and remember it every time I look at the picture I took.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

List Post #7

#7. What is your dream job and why?

I wouldn't say that I have a per-se "dream job." But there are plenty of fun things that I would love to do for a living. I would be an artist, work at a museum, do something with massag therapy, working at the zoo would be really fun, with all the animals. Photographer, crafter, stay at home mom.

Friday, August 3, 2012

List Post 6

#6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?

Being a vegetarian for three years was actually, very hard on m pysically. I was always exhaustd, passing out, dizzy and lightheaded. Come to find out, I was anemic and my doctor strongly recommended I started eating meat again after I passed out twice in a row in Costco.

P.S. Granted this is probably not the HARDEST thing I have ever gone through, but the other things I would rather not discuss online.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

List Post 5

#5. Name five things that make you happy right now.

1. My little boy makes me so happy its absolutely indescribable.
 2. My husband, Daniel. I could not ask for a best friend or better husband.
3. The gospel.
4. My newfound love of painting.
5. And strange as it sounds, pandora to find new music!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Delayed List Post 4

This has been awhile coming, I have found myself quite busy lately and haven't had the time to blog. Anyway... back to the list.

#4. Name 10 things you would tell your 16 year old self.

1. Please, please, please stop hanging out with every friend you have right now and go find a whole new set.
2. Go to the football games, prom, and every other high school activity you can think of
3. Stop skipping class, try harder and take as many AP classes as you can.
4. Enough with the eyeliner, already.
5. Just go pay the thirty dollars for the concurrent enrollment computer class your taking!
6. Avoid Steven Taggart at all costs
7. Enjoy working at Hale Theatre, you won't always be able to have a job you love
8. Try a little harder to find something you really love to do to major in, college sucks without an end goal
9. Pursue your interest more instead of hanging out with those losers you spend every day with.
10. And, really, it saves so much time and effort to just keep gas in the car

Bonus! 11. The church really is true. Whether you want to believe it or not.

Wonders of Pandora

Today, while listening to Pandora radio on my laptop, a inspiring song came on. A song so inspiring, in fact, I decided to post the lyrics so I can remember them later.

Who am I? That the Lord of all the earth would care to know my name, would care to feel my hurt?
Who am I? That the bright and morning star would choose to light the way for my ever wandring heart?
Not because of who I am, But because of what you've done. Not because of what I've done but because of who you are.

I am a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow.
A wave tossed in the ocean, a vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calilng, Lord you catch me when I'm falling.
And you've told me who I am, I am yours.

Who am I? That the voice that calmed the sea, would call out through the rain, and calm the storm in me.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

My Crafty Endeavors

Taking a break from my "list" posts, I thought I would post all my recent crafty undertakings. Though I can't take all the credit, all of the vinyl featured in these projects were done by my lovely sister, Emili.

 This first one is a line of lyrics I caught one day from the artist Rocky Volato, For some reason, this line had quite an impact on me, so I decided to put it in my house.
 This second one is the first of many subway art boards featuring a different holiday or season. I don't know why I love subway art so much, but I do. This particular one is, obviously, for autumn.
 This picture has horrible lighting, my apologies. But the board is dark gray with black white and gray fabric flowers in the corner. This is supposed to help remind me to just breathe when times get hard and remember what is important in life.
 The Christmas subway art, I promise there are a ton of them....
 This is a canvas I am going to put up in my son's room. I absolutely love this Dr. Seuss quote. I think its adorable.
 My fourth of july subway art board!
 My freedom blocks, it took me FOREVER to figure out how to do these. I tried everything from modpodging paper on with letters over it, to stickers to stencils. I eventually figured it out.
 My Halloween wreath that I made to copy one I saw on pinterest.
 Halloween subway art
 St. Patricks Day subway art
 A quote from my favorite band of all time, and in fact, my favorite song.
 Subway art for the bathroom. My sister designed it for her own house and my mom decided she wanted one and I then decided I had to have one as well. I told you I love subway art.
 Some toss pillows I made. The white and black one is probably my best invisible stitch to date.
 One thing about me, my favorite artist is Van Gogh, not only because of his artwork but because of some of the things he said. One of which is this quote.
 The spice subway art. I just love it.
 Spring subway art.
 More toss pillows.
 More Vincent quotes. This one is probably my favorite.
 And lastly, the Valentines subway art.